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December 7, 2024 "Glorious Season" Concert

Spring Concert Video

Please enjoy this video of our December 7, 2024 concert at Saint Michael's College in Colchester, Vermont.  The first half of the concert features Antonio Vivaldi's "Gloria in D Major" with guest artists The UVM String Ensemble. The second half features Bella Voce's small group Cantiamo and the chorus performing beloved carols and festive music of the season. The video was produced and edited by LCATV in Colchester, VT.

If you have any issues viewing this video on our site, you can view it through your browser at https://lcatv.org/bella-voce-2024-12-07

May 14, 2022 "Celebrating Springtime" Concert

Spring Concert Video

Please enjoy this video of our May 14, 2022 concert at College Street Congregational Church in Burlington, Vermont.  You'll hear enchanting choral music ranging from Mozart to Eric Whitacre featuring guest artists, soprano Sarah Cullins and guitarist Daniel Gaviria, showcasing their deep connection to the music of Latin America. The video was produced and edited by Ben Hain.

We highly recommend that you hook up your computer to a quality speaker or headphones to listen to and watch this video so you can enjoy the music at the highest quality audio possible.

If you have any issues accessing or watching this video, you can also view it at this link:


December 5, 2021 Concert Holiday Concert

December 2021 Video

For those of you who may have missed our "Rejoice and Sing!" Holiday concerts this December, we have a treat for you! Our friends at Lake Champlain Access Television have recorded a video of our entire December 5 concert and have generously shared it with us.

No additional sound equipment was used to record this concert. We highly recommend that you hook up your computer to a quality speaker or headphones to listen to and watch this video so you can enjoy the music at the highest quality audio possible.

If you have any issues accessing or watching this video, you can also view it at this link:


Special thanks to Linda Wheeler for her video production work

and to AJ Banach for the audio production on the virtual choir videos .


Bella Voce Women's Chorus of Vermont is a 501C3 non-profit organization based in Essex Junction, Vermont


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© 2022  Bella Voce Women's Chorus of Vermont. 

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