Would you like to help support Bella Voce?
Through your support, Bella Voce can continue serving our community through music. The support you provide offers our women a chance to make a difference in the lives of the people we touch. Without your support, our mission and vision will be incomplete. Thank you for supporting Bella Voce!
Bella Voce seeks support from donations, ticket sales, granting organizations, individual and corporate sponsors, all of which are gratefully received. Our expenses range from paying for music to renting concert sites. We accept donations of any size, but following is a list of donation amounts that we are particularly in need of.
Concert Sponsorships
Underwriter $1000 and above
• Performance Sponsorship for one year for our annual concerts in December and May, including:
• Logo printed on concert posters
• Full-page, premium-placement advertisement in program
• Four complimentary tickets to each annual concert
• Publicly thanked at performances
• Business listed at Underwriter level in program
• Logo with link on our web site
$500-$999 Concert Sponsor
• Performance Sponsorship for one year for our annual concerts in December and May, including:
• Name printed on concert posters
• Full-page advertisement in program
• Two complimentary tickets to each annual concert
• Publicly thanked at performances
• Name listed at Sponsor level in program
• Logo with link on our web site
Individual Donations - Your name printed in our concert program as:
• $300-$499 Treble Clef Supporter
• $150-$299 Whole Note Supporter
• $75-$149 Half Note Supporter
• $25-$74 Quarter Note Supporter
Program Advertising
Prices range from $100 – $475
See rate sheets, samples of ad sizes and learn more about our ad design services HERE.
Special Projects
There are other opportunities for underwriting specific projects such as our Young Conductors' Mentoring Program or Commissions & Collaborations projects. Learn more.
Matching Gifts
Several area companies will match their employee's donations to Bella Voce. Do you work for one of those companies? See list.
Bella Voce is a nonprofit corporation in accordance with the provisions of the IRS Code, Section 501(c)(3). Our federal ID number is 20-0941504. All contributions are tax deductible.
Donate online through our secure Paypal account:

Or you can text:
DonateBV to 44-321
To make a donation by mail, please make out your tax-deductible check to Bella Voce and send it to:
Bella Voce
14 Aspen Drive
Essex Junction, VT 05452
To donate in-kind goods and/or services, please send an e-mail to director@bellavocevt.org.