Make a secure donation to Bella Voce Women's Chorus
Bella Voce seeks support from donations, ticket sales, granting organizations, individual and corporate sponsors, all of which are gratefully received. Our expenses range from paying for music to renting concert sites. We accept donations of any size, but following is a list of donation amounts and categories of individual support in case you want your name to be listed in our concert program.
Your name printed in
our concert program as a:
Treble Clef Supporter
Whole Note Supporter
Half Note Supporter
Quarter Note Supporter
Bella Voce is a nonprofit corporation in accordance with the provisions of the IRS Code, Section 501(c)(3). Our federal ID number is 20-0941504. All contributions are tax deductible.
Use this link to our secure PayPal page to make your donation:

Or you can text
DonateBV to 44-321
Matching Gifts
Do you work for any of the companies listed below? Make your donation grow by participating in the Matching Gift program of your employer. To make a matching gift, please follow these steps:
1 Contact the personnel office to see if your company has a Matching Gift program.
2 If so, then pick up a Matching Gift form and fill it out.
3 You can either mail the completed form to Bella Voce with your donation check or, if you donated online, you can submit the form directly to your employer.
Aetna, Inc.
Avon Products, Inc.
American Express Company
American International Group
AT&T Foundation
Ben & Jerry's
Black & Decker
BP American, Inc.
CFX Corp.
Chevron Corp.
Cigna Foundation
Coca-Cola Co.
Costco Wholesale Corp.
Eastern Mountain Sports
Gap, Inc.
General Electric Co./GE Healthcare
Glaxo Wellcome, Inc.
Green Mountain Coffee
GMAC Mortgage
BF Goodrich Corp.
H&R Block, Inc.
Home Depot Inc.
Mary Hitchcock Hospital
McDonald's Corp.
Mobil Corporation
New England Power
Northfield Savings Bank
NYNEX Foundation
Pepisco Corp.
Sara Lee Corp.
Charles Schwab
Stowe Mountain Resort
UPS of America
Key Bank
Merrill Lynch
Subaru of America
Verizon, Inc.
WalMart, Inc.
Use this link to our secure PayPal page to make your donation:

Or you can text
DonateBV to 44-321
Matching Gift Companies:
Sponsorships and Underwriting
Learn more about becoming a concert sponsor or underwriter HERE.