Auditions for our 2024-2025 20th Anniversary Concert Season will begin in May and June of 2024.
Check back here for more details
as they become available or contact us at
Interested in joining the Bella Voce Women's Chorus? We are always looking for sopranos and altos with significant choral experience to consider auditioning. We recommend that you listen to samples of our music on our Recordings page. If you feel your vocal skills, choral experience, and music literacy are a good fit with Bella Voce's style of music, we would love to hear you!
Some Things to Consider Before You Audition
Bella Voce generally performs challenging classical choral repertoire and auditions are limited to singers ages 16 and over with significant choral experience.
Being a member of Bella Voce is a big (and rewarding) commitment and full participation – from singing to volunteering for various special projects and events – is required of all singers. Please consider how Bella Voce would fit into your life before auditioning.
We rehearse Monday nights in Essex Junction from late-August through May.
We perform two major annual concerts (two performances of each) each season in December and May and we are sometimes asked to perform at other special events.
There are some expenses related to membership in Bella Voce. Members are expected to pay dues and music fees each semester. We sometimes tour - traveling throughout New England, Canada or Europe. Members who choose to participate in tours are expected to cover their own travel expenses, however participation in tours is not mandatory.
Arrange Your Audition
Send an email request for an audition outlining your previous choral experience and any private vocal or instrumental study you have had to director@bellavocevt.org. All singers selected for an audition will be sent the choir’s schedule in advance, and are asked to check for potential conflicts for the upcoming year.
At the Audition
Auditions generally about 15 minutes and will include the following:
1. A solo of your choice which will be sung unaccompanied. Selections should demonstrate the expressive range and flexibility of the singer’s voice. Any genre of classical repertoire is acceptable including arias, art songs, spirituals and folk songs. (Please bring an additional copy of the music with you to the audition.)
2. The Star Spangled Banner in a key of your choice, unaccompanied
3. A short sight singing exercise
4. A few major scales that demonstrate vocal range, dynamic nuances, vibrato control, and pitch/intonation accuracy.
If You Are Accepted
Successful candidates will be invited to join Bella Voce for a probationary period which may last for four to six months, at which time the Artistic Director will inform the singer of her status. When accepted into Bella Voce, singers will be asked to agree to the terms of the singer’s manual. Any singer who has been on leave for more than one season will be asked to re-audition prior to rejoining the choir.