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You've got all our CDs and you've been to all our concerts, yet you still want more...


Well, we're happy to oblige!

Each month during our 20th Anniversary Season we will post a brand new, never before published Bella Voce recording on our YouTube Channel. 

You can be among the first to hear these new recordings by subscribing to our monthly our newsletter (see link at the bottom of our page).  


Here's our newest offering for December: "O Holy Child"

To hear more of our newest releases, please visit our Individual Recordings page.

O Holy Child Track Cover-website.jpg

Our latest CD

Christmas In the Air CD Cover

From ancient days to the present time, singing beloved Christmas carols has been a cherished tradition for over 500 years.  Our newest CD recording includes 15 tracks of some of our favorite festive songs of the season - we hope they give you a feeling of Christmas in the air!

Available for purchase

Please support the Businesses and Organizations that help support Bella Voce!

Sponsor Logo: AARP
Sponsor logo: Allan H. Day, RPT Piano Service
Sponsor Logo: Vermont Community Foundation
Sponsor Logo: Sequoia Financial Group

Join the growing list of businesses and organizations that support Bella Voce making it possible to fill the world with their music!  

It's easy to do!

We thank you for your loyal support and patronage!



Bella Voce Women's Chorus of Vermont is a 501C3 non-profit organization based in Essex Junction, Vermont


Keep up with latest news about Bella Voce and all our concerts & events.

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© 2022  Bella Voce Women's Chorus of Vermont. 

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